“Friends Are The Sweet Smelling Spices Of Life”

It's Time For A Tea PartyFriends are the sweet-smelling spices of life that touch our senses when nothing but a hug or jumping for joy will do! Friends come and go, like seasons or sitcoms. Blooming early in our lives, friendships curl up and scatter with the winds of years gone by, but throughout life they are at the most Godgiven times, to lift our heads after a particularly trying day. Or to laugh, like mad at a funny story told well. The perfect gift of friendship may be shared with a friend from long ago, or with a new friend.

Sister’s in Christ are like family in heart and they are the ones we feel whole with. They are the ones we share who we really are,  they understand and know where we’re coming from. They know all we’ve been through and everything we’re dreaming about. They are our maid of honors, our god mothers to our children, and our cheer leaders. They are the ones can we tell anything to, ask anything of and do anything for. They are the ones we tell all our truths to, the ones we give our whole heart to.

She is absolute acceptance, abiding affection, and unconditional caring, just spending a moment with her chases all your cares away and puts a smile on your face when she prays for you. She is the one who believes in you, the one you can call on anytime, the one who never lets you down. She fills a unique space in your life. She’s a piece of your very heart and soul because of her you know without a doubt that God’s love will get you through anything. She is your prayer warrior.

~ Miss Carol Jo ~

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