Fridays With Friends

Cooking In The KitchenAs the pressures of life intensify, sometimes the difference between going after a dream and remaining passive is having someone say, ” I believe in you!”  That is what our Fridays with friends group did. We believed in each other! As always, we arrived Friday at 6:00 Lynn in her cozy sweatpants , Jane adorned with a purse that was bigger than her, Sue wearing her favorite pink tank top with one of the Disney character on it and then there was me in my blue jeans and boots.

I always brought dessert, it was my time for experimenting and they were willing to be my Ginny pigs. Lynn always provided the main dish and they were always delicious.  Jane movies and music, and Sue was the master decorator out of the four of us. She always brought scented candles, flowers and what ever else her creative mind came up with. We took turns bringing the drinks sometimes wine some times chocolate milk, it just depended on what we were celebrating.

We had made a rule that we to shed our burdens at the door as we bounced into the kitchen, carrying with us the crisp outside air and our share of the meal.  I put  whipped cream on the strawberry shortcake, Sue decorated the table with flowers and candles, Jane put on some light music, while Lynn warmed up the enchiladas she made and cut up the crusty French bread. The rich aroma of the food cooking filled the kitchen. I decided to propose a toast, “To life’s celebration!” We held our classes of chocolate milk together, waited for the sound of chimes and drank the milk of acceptance. This ritual was to remind us how much we enjoy each other.

  As we enthusiastically ate, I realized it wasn’t just about the food it was about bursts of laughter, some nights were for prayer when one of us was faced with an insurmountable obstacle. There was Lynn’s mother’s heart surgery, Sue’s daughter’s nasty divorce; we had a special dessert the day it was final. And the Fridays rolled by one by one, steadily weaving threads of themselves into our lives, into the fabric of time. After our New Years dinner Lynn always insisted that we toast with champagne and take turns sharing our goals and dreams, toasting the New Year’s many promises. Then we each lived our lives as the months unfolded before us, filled with painful challenges and delightful surprises, as Fridays always came around.

Best Friends Can Stay Connected On Facebook

Friends do silly things togethter

The first thing in the morning, my best friend is on my mind and as the day goes on her smile is present. I hear her laughter even as though there are no mile between us. And when the day is over I reflect with loving thoughts of her. I especially remember the times we spent talking and laughing while walking along the sea-shore  while freely sharing what was on our minds. Back then it was about our children, husbands, jobs,  and everything from what to cook for dinner to world news. Hows Big Dog doing? or What should I wear to Jennifer’s wedding? 

I think about all the birthdays, Christmas‘s and vacations that our families spent together? Even though we are miles apart when I look at the photos of us together it seems like there are no miles between us and we still have all the time in the world to talk about our future’s, dreams, hopes, and plans. When I go to the movies I find my self wanting to share my pop corn and talk about this past weeks events with her then I remember you are miles away. Now days we are using our senior discounts and sharing the latest accomplishments of our grandchildren.  

 I went  shopping the other day I wanted to ask her opinion about a new set of dishes that I wanted to buy because they reminded me of a crisp  autumn day in Main. I posted a picture of the dishes on face book and she gave me the thumbs up. But it wasn’t the same as when we are face to face. I was thinking that she might forget how much I about her. I don’t want that to happen, so I decided to send her this little reminder on Facebook  . . . I love just being in the same room as you. I enjoy hearing her voice and the sound of  her laughter.

Your happiness means a lot to me, and I am always hoping that  love, kindness, health, and joy will come your way. Nothing can ever change the way I feel about you. Not time or distance, not anything you do or don’t do. Not anything I hear or see. So if you are ever lonely keep this on your Facebook wall and don’t delete it. Read it again and again, and know there’s someone who always cares about you.

What Does It Mean To Have A Best Friend?

Best FriendsWhat does it mean to have a best friend? What is really the meaning and purpose of a true friend? Let me share this short story with you and let’s see if we can answer those questions. Dave and Tom had been friends for twenty years. They had reached the prime of their lives. Both were married, had children, owned their own businesses and life had been go to them. For over twenty years hardly a week went by without the two of them,  then their families getting together. Tom had told many people just how blessed he was to have a friend like Dave. He truly loved Tom. Why? Because Tom was the most selfless person he had ever met. He had seen Tom’s selfless lifestyle in action for the last twenty years.

Then one day tragedy struck Tom’s life. His father died in his sleep, totally unexpectedly. Within an hour of his father’s death Tom called Dave, and asked if he would come over. Dave said, ‘I’m on my way.” Tom was on the front lawn of his parent’s house continuing to greet people as they came to comfort the family. All things considered  Tom seemed to be doing very well. He had barely shed a tear. 

Suddenly, he noticed Dave’s SUV driving up and Tom’s eyes began to tear, his heart began to pound. As Dave walked toward the house Tom left the crowd and started to walk toward him. When Tom reached Dave he was sobbing uncontrollable. They embraced and Dave said words of comfort to him. The people in the yard stood in silence as they witnessed what true friendship was all about. One being there for the other.

Wouldn’t you agree with me that they are blessed to have each other.? How many of us can say we have a best friend like this? Unfortunately, not very many. In the hustle and bustle of today’s life we seem to have every little time for friends and relationships. Loyalty is not a priority, but it should be. Slow down, reach out, and start a friendship. Maybe you’ll meet your own Dave or Tom. A quote from John Heywood ” A friend is never known until a man has a need.”

Friends Make Life Much Sweeter

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAA good friend makes life so much sweeter and brighter during the sunny and rainy days of our lives. When you’re together it doesn’t matter if the skies pour or the winds howl or all of your plans go awry. They have the rare ability to transform disaster into an adventure.

Their friendship gives you courage to be what you want to be. A good friend like them is as rare as seeing a triple rainbow and as precious as rubies and emeralds by the tons, that cannot be measured. They will even say the right thing when you fall off your diet and into a hot fudge sundae. “Whipped cream doesn’t have any carbohydrates.”

They don’t mind your wrinkles much; because they came courtesy of the many years the two of you spent laughing together and they think you are pretty cool even when you are acting like the biggest nerd on earth. They are really the cool ones because they have the hear to spare your feelings.

Knowing they are always behind you is often your best reason for moving forward. Their friendship is the super-strength glue; The two of you have an impenetrable bond and are sticking together for life! Their friendship isn’t a gift you hold in your hands but a blessing you carry in your heart.

You Are My Friend Forever

you are my friend foreverGoodbye can be the saddest word we ever hear, and often it is not the word we are ready for, but in those times it’s the comforting words of friends that can make a difference.

A comforting friend will remind you that you were taught that everything has a season and summer must go to make room for autumn and winter, there is always a spring. Somehow those words don’t seem to be enough during a time when we are saying our goodbyes and letting go. They are meant to comfort, to console, but often can leave us feeling hollow for a while.

The real comfort comes in knowing that your friends cared, invested in you and love you. The void is something no one can deny or fill, but in grief you can feel the magnitude of the love of comforting friends.

Though your loss may have seem heavy realize that your friends love and concern for you is a great blessing and when your burden lightens that there will places in your heart that can only be filled with memories. 

And there are places in your soul that can only be healed by the gentle love of God and time. May you find comfort knowing so many thoughts are with you during your difficult time. May you find peace knowing that you have friends who care about you and are praying for you.

Hold fast to your memories, all the cherished moments of the past, the blessings and laughter. The joy and celebrations, the sorrow and tears they all add up to a treasure of fond yesterdays you shared and spent together, they keep the one you loved close to you in spirit and thought.

The special moments and memories in your life will never change they will always be in your heart, today and forevermore. your truly comforting friends know the best and must beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard but must be felt with your heart.

Generosity Is The Icing On The Cake Of Friendship

Friendship Is The Icing On Your CakeAny way you slice it, generosity is the icing on the cake of friendship and the generosity of friendship is always a thoughtful gift of friendship that enriches the giver as well as the recipient. The Renaissance philosopher Erasmus wrote, ” He does himself good who does good to his friend.”

A generous Friend reminds us to laugh when we begin to take ourselves too seriously and to slow down when we are rushing from thought to thought. They will help us to regain our perspective, your wisdom, and your peace.

When our day seems cloudy a good friend will keep us mindful that when the sky is cloudy, the sun will come out in all its shiny glory. Just like we will. A good friend will remind us that gloom and sadness is always followed by glorious possibilities. Each morning we should with gladness in our hearts stop and give thanks for our good friends who let us laugh, smile, cry and celebrate with them.

Here are three quotes about friendship.

A woman isn’t poor if she can still laugh at herself. ~ Anonymous~

The best way to cheer yourself up it to cheer up somebody else. ~ Mark Twain~

Laughter dulls the sharpest pain and flattens out the greatest stress. To share it is to give a gift of health. ~Barbara Johnson~

A Good Friend Will . . .

A good friend enjoys being a source of encouragement to their friends and family and they try to measure out their words carefully. They are very aware that words can uplift their friends or discourage them.

A good friend will speak wisely, not impulsively and use words of kindness and praise, not words of anger or derision. A good friend  remembers that they have the power to heal others or injure them with words.

A good friend will lift you up, their wisdom will start to bring healing and comfort in your time of need. They will remind you to keep striving toward your dreams and goals. A good friend will always enrich your life and freely give to you their valuable friendship.

Remember anyway you slice it, laughing at yourself and with a good friend is the icing on the cake of friendship.

~Miss Carol Jo~

Promote Your Friends Talents

Promote Your Friends TalentsPerhaps you have a girl friend who has a God– given gift for playing the piano and is passionate about playing also, but lacks the confidence to play to an audience. Maybe you could be the friend who helps to louche her career?

You may be thinking. How can I do that?  The answer is simple. Start by becoming an audience of one and then as her confidence builds up gently suggest to her to invite a guest to hear your friend play too and before you know it her audience of one will turn into an audiences of ten or twenty and then she’s on her way to fame. If she is too shy to play in front of an audience ask her if she minds if you record her playing and then promote the recording.

When you have a friend who is passionate about their hobbies whether it’s playing the piano, freehand painting of murals on the wall of children’s rooms, sculpting bowls from driftwood, or making shoe box shrines, tell her, your friends, friends of friends and other talented hobby enthusiasts about their latest project. Word gets around you know.

You may attract people who want to see their projects, perhaps even purchase their services or products. Engage your friends to post digital photos of their creations on  social networking sites or photos sharing sites. You never know what opportunities may come their way when you promote your friends God-given gifts and talents. You will feel great joy when you see your friend flourishing.

A Good Friend Keeps Her Promises And Doesn’t Gossip

Dance As You Drink Your CoffeeOne way to spread happiness is to keep your promises just as you see someone who is faithful to her word as trustworthy, so your friends, family , and business colleagues will also trust you when you hold to the truth. In this age of spin, when facts get altered in ways to deliberately mislead people and to further ideological agendas let your truth be absolute.

It isn’t always easy to align your truthfulness or integrity. Mother Teresa used truth as her nonviolent weapon against adversaries. No one questioned her truthfulness or whether she would keep her promises to others. Image the millions of lives that Mother Teresa touched because she was a woman of integrity and kept her promises. 

Gossip and promises don’t go together, so if you are a gossip count to ten and tell your friend that you’re breaking the gossip habit. Counting is one of those techniques you can use to manage a behavior that you choose to avoid. It’s a powerful technique used in anger management and can also be used when you don’t want to gossip but of course we all know the most powerful weapon against gossip is a strong and mighty prayer.

Malicious gossip is mean, and some experts declare it nothing less than a form of bullying. Step back, count to ten, and remove yourself from the gossip clique. Oh, my what will you ever talk about then? Don’t panic you’re pretty smart I’m sure you’ll find something interesting to talk about other than your friends behind their backs. Don’t take part in mud-slinging. Instead start saying words of praise about your friends and be an inspiring force in their lives. Remember finding things to praise about others inspires people to feel happy and trust you and gossiping does just the opposite. It’s your choice. 

Laughter Is The Shortest Distance Between Friends

Friends Make Friends LaughWhen you begin to take yourself too seriously, stop and call a friend. Not just any friend, but the one you can freely talk to and laugh at yourself with. The one who it’s okay if your look like an unkempt bed in front of. Oh, I know surely not you after all we are all perfect all the time aren’t we? Not.

When you are rushing from place to place, slow down and call that friend who helps put your busy thoughts into perspective. You know the one who always has a wise and kind word and after you talk to her you feel peace again and find yourself slowing down at least enough to take a deep breath.

When your day seems cloudy and you can’t seem to keep your thoughts above the clouds, call the friend who always seems to have a sunny attitude even on cloudy days and let the sun shine in and allow yourself to laugh. Not just a ha, ha, ha, kind of laugh but a deep belly kind of laugh and before you know it the clouds will disappear and the sun will seem brighter than ever. You might even laugh your way back to happy!

Open your eyes to glorious possibilities and give thanks for the gift of friendship and laughter. Strive toward a worthy purpose and celebrate each day with a smile, laughter and a prayer . . .  and then it is up to you to cheer up one of your friends today .

~Miss Carol Jo~

Laughter is the oil in the engine of friendship

women-having-teaArnold Glasow observed, “A loyal friend laughs at your jokes when they’re not so good and sympathizes with your problems when they’re not so bad.” Herein , we consider the joys of a good laugh and the blessings of a good friend with whom we share it.

When the day is cloudy, keep me mindful that above the clouds, the sun still shines. And let me laugh with friends. And, each morning, when I open my eyes to a world of glorious possibilities, let me give thanks for the gift of life and friendship. Then, let me rise up and make the most of that gift. Let me strive toward a worthy purpose, and let me celebrate each day with a song, and a smile, and a prayer . . . and, let me laugh with old and new friends. 

All Purpose Advice

Don’t bypass the potential for meaningful friendships just because of differences. Explore them, Embrace them. Love them. ~ Luci Swindoll

It is wise to pour the oil of refined politeness on the mechanism of friendship ~ Colette

If two friends ask you to judge a dispute, don’t accept, because you will lose a friend; however, if two strangers come with the same request, accept, because you will gain one friend. ~ Saint  Augustine

Friends are those rare people who ask how we are and then wait to hear the answer. ~ Ed Cunningham

Happiness is not perfect until it is shared. ~ Jane Porter

Enduring friendships are also intended to cause rejoicing and celebration is the last thing on our minds. Sometimes, we fall prey to worry, frustrations, anxiety, or sheer exhaustion . . . and our hearts become heavy. What’s needed is plenty of rest, a large dose of perspective, a heaping helping of faith, and the encouraging words of a trusted friend . . . but not necessarily in that order.